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Pharmacy Prisma Länsikeskus

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offers »

Local service at its best every day of the week

We have good, free parking areas and an accessible entrance – a warm welcome!

Pharmacy Prisma Länsikeskus is part of the domestic Lähiapteekit chain. It is important for us to offer high-quality, friendly service to the residents of our area every day of the week. 

Come to make medicine or cosmetics purchases or to renew prescriptions. Our pharmaceutical staff will help you choose the right products for you and advise on the proper use of both prescription and over-the-counter medicines. 

We also offer home delivery of your purchases to the Länsikeskus area. You can also manage another person's pharmacy matters through us. Have you already familiarized yourself with medicine dose dispensing? That service is also available with us. 

If you have any questions related to our products or services, feel free to give us a call! 

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Monthly offers

Berocca Immunity 30 poretabl.

Vitamiini- ja kivennäisainevalmiste.

17,90 €

0,60 e/tabl.

(sh. 21,50 e)

Ferrodan Fe2+ 100 μg 60 tabl.

Sisältää rautaa ja C-vitamiinia.

7,90 €

0,13 e/tabl.

(sh. 9,85 e)

Thealoz Duo 10 ml

Kuivasilmäisyyden lievitykseen.

16,90 € 

1,69 e/ml

(sh. 20,30 e)

Priorin Extra 180 kaps.

Ravintolisä hiuksille.

79,50 € 

0,44 e/kaps.

(sh. 107,20 e)

Salutem 70 g

Kosteuttava erikoishammastahna.

6,90 €

0,10 e/g

(sh. 8,85 e)

Auvoin FLU nenäsuihke 20 ml

Kaksivaikutteinen nenäsuihke.

10,90 € 

0,55 e/ml

(sh. 12,25 e)

Rela Tabs 30 tabl. (mansikka, sitruuna, salmiakki-lakritsi ja tuttifrutti) Rela Caps 30 kaps. Rela Tabs Appelsiini + D3 30 tabl.

Sisältää maitohappobakteereja.

12,90 € 

0,43 e/tabl./kaps.

(sh. 16,30 e)


A-Vita® Hydra+ nenäsumute 20 ml

Kosteuttaa ja hoitaa nenän limakalvoja.

Kuukauden supertarjous

12,50 € 

0,63 e/ml

(sh. 16,10 e)

Minisun Monivitamiini Vahva 120 tabl. Minisun Monivitamiini Extra Vahva 90 tabl.

Monivitamiini- ja hivenainevalmiste.

18,50 € 

0,15 ja 0,21 e/tabl.

(sh. 24,65 e)

Beko Strong B12+foolihappo+B6 mustikka-karpalo 170 purutabl. Beko Strong B12+foolihappo+B6 170 tabl.

Muistin, hermoston ja vastustuskyvyn tueksi.

26,90 € 

0,16 e/tabl.

(sh. 36,00 e)

Devisol Neutral 50 μg 200 tabl. Devisol Strong 50 μg 200 purutabl. Devisol mustikka 50 μg 200 puru-/imeskelytabl.

Sisältää 50 μg D3-vitamiinia.

21,90 € 

0,11 e/tabl.

(sh. 29,00 e)

Devisol Neutral 20 μg 200 tabl. Devisol 20 μg 200 puru-/ imeskelytabl. (mustikka ja sitrus)

Sisältää 20 μg D3-vitamiinia.

15,50 € 

0,08 e/tabl.

(sh. 20,40 e)


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Sijainti Soita